The Tonkinese Dog Cat

Believe it or not, there are certain breeds of cats that are so people oriented, like dogs are, that they are referred to as dog cats. They are Tonkinese Dog Cat. But the beautiful bonus to owning a Tonkinese cat over a dog is you don’t have to wake up in the middle of the night to let is out to go potty. Aren’t litter boxes the greatest? And personality? You can’t beat a Tonk when looking for a fun loving, sociably involved cat. They even love to play fetch.


Tonkinese cats have existed since at least the 1800s. However, if it were left up to Burmese and Siamese cat breeders, they would have been bred into extinction. The first known Tonkinese was a cat named Wong Mau in the 1930s, the ancestress to the Burmese, which was bred with a Siamese.

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Photo: Wong Mau | Anniesong Tonkinese

But most breeders of Burmese and Siamese cats were very careful to breed out the Tonkinese characteristics, resulting in the two breeds that exist today. Fortunately, in the 1970s, some breeders once again began cross breeding the two cats in order to bring about the existence of the Tonkinese that we have today. It could be said that the breeders who tried to wipe out this species feel that there is no reason to have the Tonkinese cats in existence; fortunately there are people who don’t agree.

Personality and Traits

Tonkinese cats are intelligent and possess an avid curiosity like their Siamese relatives, but are considerably more laid back, like their Burmese side. They are known for their independence, have strong personalities, and can be as stubborn as all get out. They will never be considered lazy or slug-about, but these cats are just so happy and lovable that you certainly couldn’t stay mad at them for long.

They don’t like being alone so it is best to have two or even another dog or cat to keep them company if no one is home for long periods of the day, say at school or work. They get along equally well with adults and children alike. It is also best to keep them indoor at all times, otherwise they might contract disease or even more likely be stolen.

Tonkinese dog cat
Photo: Tonkinese | Openverse

They have gorgeous, open, and almond shaped eyes that vary in color from blue to green/gold, but Tonkinese are also the only pedigree cat that can have aqua eyes. They also have three distinctive coat patterns: solid, mink, and pointed.

Tonks hate closed doors; they prefer to know absolutely everything that is going on, and they love being high up, often jumping up on your shoulder for a quick ride and a cuddle. You should genuinely consider getting a cat tree for your Tonk as they love to run up and down them, and it is a great way for them to burn off excess energy.