Why Play Is An Important Part Of A Cat’s Health

Cats need play time and not just the kind where they seem to be chasing some unidentifiable object or another member of the feline family at warp speed through the house. Cats also need interactive play. This is where your participation is needed.

There are several reasons that interactive play is important. You will be forming a bond each time you play with your cat. She will be able to become comfortable with you, other members of the family and the environment in which she lives. If there are other animals in the house it can help reduce the tension that is often experienced at first when a new kitten is brought home. Interactive play will teach your cat what is acceptable behavior and what is not. She will learn that biting and scratching is not looked upon favorably. She will also find out that damaging items in the home is frowned upon. This is where interactive play comes in and where cat toys are helpful.

One thing to remember from the very beginning is that your fingers do not make the best cat toys. While it may be tempting to use your fingers to play with your brand new kitten, this can lead to biting as the kitty grows up. This will hurt and you are sending the message that it is perfectly O.K. to bite skin.

cat playing
Photo: Openverse

There are all kinds of cat toys on the market and the first thing to consider when buying them is safety. Take a look at the toys and carefully examine them. Some toys are not well-made and will not be safe for your cat.

Look for toys that encourage the hunt. This is something that all cats enjoy. Cats like to stalk their prey and they use patience, precision and planning to execute every move. You do not want to simply dangle a toy in front of your cat. Move away from your cat with the toy and allow her to find it.

If you have more than one cat, each cat should have their own toys. They do not enjoy fighting over toys and this can lead to frustration on the part of everyone. You can give each cat individual play time or hold a fishing-type cat toy in each hand and try to simulate the stalking play experience as best you can without allowing the cats to get too close to each other.

A good place to get started in your pursuit of interactive cat toys is to look online. You will have many choices of toys and you can find descriptions of the toys.

Cats love to play and it is a healthy part of a daily routine.